February 10, 2013

WSU's Detroit Revitalization Fellows Program makes local, national headlines

The Detroit Revitalization Fellows Program is looking for a few more good men and women to help advance the renewal of Detroit and build upon the ongoing success of its 2011-13 cohort. Wayne State University, which administers the program, is now accepting applications for the next class of fellows, who will begin their assignments in August 2013. The Detroit Revitalization Fellows Program seeks to build capacity for key organizations focused on the revitalization of Detroit, provide leadership development and training for fellows working in these organizations, and develop a network that fosters inter-agency connections and organizational collaboration. The Kresge Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Hudson-Webber Foundation, the Skillman Foundation, the DTE Energy Foundation and Wayne State University have funded the program. "Our current fellows are well educated and talented professionals," said Ned Staebler, WSU vice president for economic development. "We see the impact they are making and we are anxious to recruit more of these leaders to join in the revitalization of Detroit."


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